The first website I have ever built. It is actually the first project of mine that I dare say is complete and functional.
Process of learning
Between the end of my second and beginning of the third year of university I decided to finally start learning programming for ‘real’. I had some knowledge of programming before but it was never something I felt good at, so I decided to change it.
I started out with learning from a Udemy course from Jonas Schmedtmann. It is a huge course, over 60 hours of content but it helped me learn the ins and outs of vanilla JavaScript and gain confidence with starting to experiment on my own.
I wanted to build an app by myself to use the knowledge I gained through the course. I knew it had to be simple in the beginning to not discourage myself by trying to tackle too big of a project for a beginner.

Screenshot from the lunar-roller
The website allows users to roll a set of basic Dungeons and Dragons dice. I am a huge dnd nerd so it seemed like a fitting first project.
Of course the website is nowhere near perfect but I am still proud of it as it reminds me how far I’ve come since then.